Credito d'Imposta Transizione 5.0

NOVITÀ : è stato introdotto il nuovo credito d’imposta a favore delle imprese che effettuano investimenti in beni strumentali nuovi destinati a strutture produttive ubicate nel territorio dello Stato italiano. 

La nostra tecnologia dedicata ai formaggi

La migliore tecnologia per il confezionamento dei formaggi in atmosfera controllata.
Desiderate approfondire il tema del confezionamento dei formaggi in atmosfera controllata?
Vi invitiamo a scaricare e consultare la nostra dettagliata scheda informativa in formato PDF.



La nostra tecnologia dedicata ai salumi

La migliore tecnologia per il confezionamento dei salumi in atmosfera controllata.
Desiderate approfondire il tema del confezionamento dei salumi in atmosfera controllata?
Vi invitiamo a scaricare e consultare la nostra dettagliata scheda informativa in formato PDF.


EXPO PACK México 2024

We will be exhibiting at:
EXPO PACK Mexico 2024, in Santa Fe (México)
from June 4 to June 7 2024

Stand 1036

Interpack 2023

We will be exhibiting at:
Interpack 2023, in Düsseldorf (Germany)
from May 4 to May 10 2023

Hall 5 - Stand F22/F04


Acquisition of Euroimpianti S.p.A – Skilled Group


Tecno Pack Group is glad to announce the acquisition of Euroimpianti S.p.A – Skilled Group, a company based in Schio (VI). The company is specialized since 50 years in the design and manufacture of palletizing systems and pallet handling, as well as the Automatic Guidance Vehicles and (AGV) and Laser Guidance Vehicles (LGV).

Such a strategic acquisition enforces the position of Tecno Pack Group as a manufacturer of packaging machines and most of all turnkey packaging solutions in the food (and non-food as well) sector, starting from naked product management up to truck load. The whole Group can now count on the skills and professionality of roughly 400 people, ready to answer all market needs.

HISPACK 2024 Barcellona

We will be exhibiting at:
HISPACK 2024, Barcellona (Spain)
from May 7 to May 10 2024

HALL 1 – Stand B-133 

Impianto BALDI per confezionamento Hamburger

Primaria Azienda alimentare Italiana ha affidato l’automazione del proprio packaging a Tecno Pack S.p.A. .

Vi raccontiamo la storia della ditta Baldi Carni e l esperienza con Tecno Pack .

Ipack-Ima 2022

We will be exhibiting at:
Ipack-Ima 2022, in Milan (Italy)
from 3 to 6 May 2022

Credito d'imposta 2020 - Industria 4.0

NOVITÀ : è stato introdotto il nuovo credito d’imposta a favore delle imprese che effettuano investimenti in beni strumentali nuovi destinati a strutture produttive ubicate nel territorio dello Stato italiano. 

Cibus Tec 2019

Cibus Tec 2019 in Parma (Italy)
from 22 to 25 October 2019

Pack Expo 2019

Pack Expo 2019 in Las Vegas (United States)
from 23 to 25 September 2019

FP100 BOX MOTION: Il sistema più veloce al mondo

TECNO PACK presenta la macchina confezionatrice orizzontale Flow-Pack elettronica FP100 BOX MOTION.

Packaging system for frozen meat burgers at Ipack-Ima 2018

Ipack-Ima 2018, in Milano (Italy)
from 29 May to 1 June 2018

Iba 2018

IBA 2018, in Munich (Germany)
from 15 to 20 September 2018

Ipack-Ima 2018

Ipack-Ima 2018, in Milano (Italy)
from 29 May to 1 June 2018

Interpack 2017

Düsseldorf (Germany)
from 04 to 10 May 2017
Hall 5 - Stand J22

Cibustec 2016

CIBUSTEC 2016, in Parma (Italy)
from 25 to 28 October 2016
Hall 2 - Stand D25

Gulfood Manufacturing 2015

Gulfood Manufacturing 2015, in Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
from 27 to 29 October 2015
Hall 1 - Stand 101

Tecno Pack & SAP ERP

The Tecno Pack group is pleased to announce that from january 2014 the company has started the migration of the historical software systems internally developed to the new integrated management system SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for the management and organization of business processes.

TecnoScan: Customer Service through App 24/7

TecnoScan app allows us to keep our promise: TO BE UPDATED AND AVAILABLE FOR OUR CUSTOMERS 24/7.


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